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  1. Regular Meeting March 2022 with First Initiation & Travelling Trowel - Lodge of Honour
    4th April 2022 @ 11:07 pm

    […] customs by the Worshipful Master, assisted by his officers and brethren of the lodge. While in our February meeting we celebrated the past and welcomed a visiting member to his mother lodge, our March meeting was […]


  2. New Year, New Initiate - Regular Meeting in February 2023 - Lodge of Honour
    15th February 2023 @ 11:11 am

    […] enjoyed with coffee or taken home. This tradition of celebrating the Lodge’s founding, started last year, in 2022 with a similar treat handed out to mark the annual […]


  3. Double Initiation, Member's 40th & Lodge's 199th Anniversary - February 2024 Regular Meeting - Lodge of Honour
    17th February 2024 @ 11:04 pm

    […] become a tradition, first became a feature at our February meetings 3 years ago. It started at our 197th Anniversary in 2022, continued in 198th Anniversary in 2023 and now. A well embedded tradition for the lodge; members […]


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