Bicentenary Meeting at the Lodge of Honour No. 379
On Saturday, March 8, 2025, the brethren of the Lodge of Honour No. 379 gathered to celebrate a truly momentous occasion—their 200th anniversary. This special bicentenary meeting was held at the historic Bath Masonic Hall, an elegant and fitting venue for such a prestigious event.
With origins as a theatre and later a Catholic church, the grand space of the Bath Masonic hall provided ample room for the assembled brethren, visitors, and dignitaries who came to witness this once-in-a-lifetime ceremony. Despite the generous seating capacity, the temple was filled to the brim—a testament to the significance of this milestone in the lodge’s long and storied history.

A Historic Gathering
The lodge’s bicentenary meeting was moved from its usual second Monday evening to this Saturday afternoon to enable the Gala dinner to follow the Bicentenary meeting. The lodge tyled promptly at 3:00 p.m. and was opened in the First Degree. Among the distinguished guests was the Right Worshipful Bro David Medlock, Assistant Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Somerset, Very Worshipful Bro Ben Batley, accompanied by Worshipful Bro Tony Guthrie, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, along with a full retinue of Provincial Officers.

The meeting commenced with the reading of the dispensation by the Lodge Secretary, W. Bro Samuel Tan, allowing the meeting to be held on this special date. Following this, W. Bro Allan Stanistreet presented a short history of the lodge, covering the period from 1975 to 2025, offering a glimpse into the lodge’s evolution over the past fifty years.
The Bicentenary Warrant Presentation
The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the Bicentenary Warrant. After the formal proceedings and reception of dignitaries, VW. Bro Ben Batley, DPGM, called upon W. Bro Garry Sharp, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, to present him with the Warrant. After careful inspection and confirmation of its authenticity, the Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro Mike Greedy, read the Warrant aloud, ensuring all present understood its significance. RW. Bro David Medlock, Assistant Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, then formally presented the Warrant to the Worshipful Master, who expressed his heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the brethren of Lodge of Honour No. 379.

Oration and Dedication
Following the presentation, W. Bro Bob Moore, Provincial Grand Chaplain, delivered a thought-provoking and inspiring oration, reflecting on the lodge’s legacy and contributions to Freemasonry over two centuries. The oration was followed by a solemn Patriarchal Dedication prayer, reinforcing the sense of unity and tradition that has guided the brethren for generations.
VW. Bro Ben Batley, DPGM, then announced the official authorisation for the brethren of Lodge of Honour No. 379 to wear the Bicentenary Jewel—a proud emblem of their lodge’s longevity and commitment to Freemasonry.

Final Proceedings and Closing
As the meeting drew to a close, the Worshipful Master resumed his chair and extended his gratitude to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Team for their participation in the ceremony. The brethren unanimously acknowledged the tremendous effort put in by the Secretary in organizing the bicentenary celebrations, a motion proposed by W. Bro Allan Stanistreet and seconded by Bro Shay Aziz.
The lodge was formally closed in perfect harmony at 4:38 p.m., concluding a historic and memorable meeting. The closing ode and the National Anthem were sung, with a retiring collection of alms.

The Bicentenary Gala
While there was no traditional festive board following the meeting, the celebrations continued with a grand Bicentenary Gala Dinner and Dance at the Apex City of Bath Hotel. Brethren and guests were reminded to arrive at 6:00 p.m. for registration, followed by a welcome reception and dinner at 7:00 p.m. The evening promised to be a fitting conclusion to an extraordinary day, marking two centuries of Masonic tradition, fellowship, and service at the Lodge of Honour No. 379.
As the brethren of the lodge look forward to the next century, they do so with the knowledge that they are part of a living history—one that will continue to inspire and guide future generations of Freemasons. This bicentenary was not just a celebration of the past but a reaffirmation of the values and principles that will carry the Lodge of Honour forward into its third century.

Photos by Chris James