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This section provides an overview of the steward’s as part of the 6 main progressive offices that commonly lead to the Chair of the Lodge as its Worshipful Master

Jewel of the Steward
Jewel of the Steward
  1. This is often the first office for junior members, an introduction to office within a short time following a Candidate’s Initiation
  2. You will typically be required to act as Steward (waiter) during the Festive Board if table service is not available.
  3. This is a good way to get to know everybody including lodge members and visitors.
  4. In some lodges, Stewards are released early from the meeting to help prepare the Festive Board. Although this is no longer a common practice in our lodge.
  5. Prepare firing glasses, drinks, help with final touches, seating arrangements, laying the table, set up the candles, organise raffle prizes etc.
  6. Assist in selling raffle tickets and collecting money during the Festive Board to raise money for charity.
  7. Tips: Be friendly and approachable. Don’t ignore guests and visitors. Make them feel welcomed. Treat them as you would guests to your own home.
  8. Help clear the table if required, put away firing glasses, candles and other tableware as required.

Adapted and updated from “Progression to the Chart and Beyond – Handout 2 v2 Aug 2016”